lkajsfklajskds (comments)
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lmao i hate that
thers this guy i was friends with a loooonnnngggg tym ago an then he moved to south carolina an he still calls me constantly
its lyk its never crossed ther mind that maybe wev moved on lol
aw twix.... my other obsession.... lol
i blame my mom
she buys them lyk crazy an i simply had no choice but to eat them...
wow im so bored i mite just have to run away.... but ill b bac for dinner... i prefer not to miss meals.... well that depends wat wer having lol
waaaaaaats uuuuuppppp?????
lol im always hungry..... i wonder wats for dinner
GASP i just remembered i got a snickers at target an its in my room.... hold on i go get it..
im bac lol yum sniiiiccckkkkeeeerrrss
haha nutn im just eatn a cabdy cane an bout to go buy some shampoo at target :D
wat up wit you?
Hah, I've got loads of coursework to do but I have very bad concentration..
*Cough* cB *cough*
Nothing much, trying to get rid of me '?' face but cB won't let me load a picture up. D:
How about youu?
HAHAH same! I waltz into school all happy and excited. & then I realized that Heroes wasn't actually going to be on. =((
:D! Sucks, doesn't it? ..I have school tomorrow, urgh >_>
Hah, my brother said it to one of my good friends while we were playing Halo on the 360.. :D
Hiii. Nice meeting you =] Nothing`s up XD. that`s how interesting my life is XD
blahh I know! I thought it was..stupid me.
The site actually doesn't say when the next episode is!
At least OTH is premiering next week with a 2 hour episode! =D
I know that Grey's Anatomy and Ugly Betty are coming back next thursday too..but I'm not sure if you watch those.
ROFL Ruby isn't going to eat Sam, she's going to "help him" - probably like strike a deal with him about Dean's one year contract for Sam to lead the demon's war OR for Ruby to lead the war since Demon's are selfish and only do things to benefit themselves. I remember you told me this. ;D
Well...TV Guide IS right because at the end of the last episode it said it was the end of that season blah blah blah.
Hmm..I'll have to do some more research on this heroes thing. =\
Oh god, The Pursuit of Happyness was SO DAMN DEPRESSING! It kinda destroyed the whole movie but It was still really good.
Eh I am Legend is depressing but NOT that depressing because you know that it really didn't happen in real life unlike in The Pursuit of Happyness. Still, I Am Legend is pretty sad. Well, you'll see it sooner or later. =)
haha i won't spoil I am Legend for you. Its too good. The only thing is that its kinda depressing.
You can go to a salon and ask for "natural" highlights! They WILL get what you mean! For example, un-natural looking hair would be probably bright bright red on a blonde and natural looking hair would be what you're looking for! =)
Yeah, about the heroes intermission thing, THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! But then all my friends said that it was coming back in september..but I SWEAR I saw on the heroes finale that they were coming back "next year" as in January. (cause they actually showed the word January)argh, the site doesn't show anything about when its coming back either!
In supernatural, ruby is the blonde girl who is a demon but has a way to "help sam". Remember her? She disappeared for a few (fine, a lot of episodes) and now shes back for sam!
haha my snowboarding instructors eyes are greenish, gray. How do I know? Cause I "accidentally" kept falling on him during our lessons. But then again, he would stare me down while trying to teach me something. YES HIS NOSE IS LIKE SAM'S! Rofl Sam's nose is perfect. XD Yeah, sketchy, I know. Too bad I won't see my instructor anytime soon. (or forever) =(
Supernatural comes back on January 3 (yay!) I heard Ruby is finally coming back too! FINALLY.
Heroes? Its coming back next year! September 25th or something..but I'm so sad that we have to wait that long. Season 2 was blahh. I wish they could of continued the original heroes stories instead of adding tons and tons of new characters. =\
Since I'm asian/chinese, my haircolor is "black". Yeah, it used to be very very very "black" but then I got it dyed. =) Ohh natural red highlights? I was thinking of getting those but my friend already had them and shes the kind of person who gets VERY annoyed whens someone tries to "copy" her. =X Hmm... you should get them definitely!
Awww I haven't seen Sweeney Todd yet but I've seen I Am Legend. Its so depressing. I don't think I should spoil anything with you..yet. ;)
hahah you're probably right about the one tree hill scandal. We all kinda knew that Haley and Nathan's relationship wouldn't last perfect perfect FOREVER.
My hair? Haha I wish it was that naturally colored. I actually dyed it at a salon, they do a way better job than I do. (Obviously) =)
So what did you do for christmas? I went snowboarding and my snowboarding instructor was so freaking hot. His eyes were amazing and his nose was perfect. =P
Well now I'm sore in the ass and I can barely walk! Haha it was still worth it though.
I can't wait!!!!
Did you see the promos?! NATHAN IS AN ALCOHOLIC! =OO
Ahh Haley might leave him!! =((
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